0533 868 72 58 info@ikydkibris.org


Who are we?

The Human Resources Management Association (HRMA) is a civil society organization that was first activated in 2001 by a group of academics and started its activities in 2015 as a result of long studies.

The association aims to develop human resources practices, improve working conditions in the northern part of Cyprus, organize employment-enhancing training activities, and indirectly contribute to the increase of qualified workforce by gathering all professionals, entrepreneurs and academics related to their field of work and human resources management under a common roof.


Our Vision

To guide the ambassadors of sustainable social success.


Our Mission

By aiming to achieve sustainable gains in the field of Human Resources for all stakeholders in their working life, to ensure the development of models considering the dynamics of the northern part of Cyprus.


Our Core Values

  • To create a fair balance between employer and employees,
  • Being objective, fair and embracing,
  • Standing equally for all stakeholders,
  • Being an active team member on a voluntary basis,
  • Contributing to the formation of Human Resources with high competencies,
  • To provide solidarity and development opportunities among members,
  • To have humanitarian principles ,
  • To follow and share innovative and pioneering work with society,
  • To contribute to the Human Resources components of functionality compatible with social developments,
  • To be ethical, honest, reliable and transparent.


Ahmet Sadık Sokak,
Nicosia, 99010


+90 533 868 72 58

Working Hours

Mon.-Fri: 9am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed

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